LFT 2009 in Köln am Rhein

Lesbian Spring Convention (LSC) May 29 - June 1, 2009 in Köln




Where will the day program take place?

Cologne University - Universität zu Köln

Human Science Department - the building on the right-hand side

Gebäude 216 ( HF Gebäude ) - Gronewaldstr. 2 - 50931 Köln
Building 216 ( HF Building ) - Gronewaldstr. 2 - 50931 Köln



RosengartenKanal am Danteweg unweit der FakultätKanal


From a bird's-eye view

To display more details, place your cursor at the relevant spot and double-click.

LFT takes place in the area that is enclosed by the following three roads:
Aachener Strasse, Universitätsstrasse, and Dürener Strasse.
Gebäude 216 ( HF Gebäude ) - Gronewaldstr. 2 - 50931 Köln

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Where will the evening program take place?

University canteen (Unimensa)

Central canteen (Zentralmensa or Neue Mensa)

Gebäude 216 ( HF Gebäude ) - Gronewaldstr. 2 - 50931 Köln
Building 118 ( Neue Mensa ) - Zülpicher Straße 70 - 50931 Köln


Supporting programme

Assistance workshop, films, lesbian guided city tour, readings, boat tour
(no responsibility is taken for the correctness of this information)

Day programme

Anti-racism, labour rights, sculpting, Buddhism, business coaching, Capoeira, clown army, dementia, loneliness, fakir technique, family planning, feminism, "How to Flirt" course, sign language, singing, cafés to meet and talk, health, church service, inner chaos, interculturalism, culture rally, young lesbians, climate change, making a living by art, lesbians on TV, lesbians in India, lesbians in songs, readings, painting, massage, migration family, couple relationship, polyamory, Qigong, self-governed living for lesbians ("Sappho-Wohnstiftung"), shamanic healing, writing workshop, sexual violence spirituality, tango, dance therapy, trance, drumming, search for visions, Self-defence for women (WenDo), Yoni healing, circus pedagogics

Evening programme

The evening programme has the following motto:
"Enjoying with all our senses".
We provide a number of musical and optical highlights.
In addition to a varied programme on stage with many well-known lesbian artists, there are several discos, ballroom dancing and an erotic lounge.

How, when and where can I obtain the programme?

A leaflet containing the programme will be published at the beginning of April.

Nominal charge € 3.00 plus postage in Germany - € 6.00 in Europe.

To be requested from:

LFT 2009
c/o Manuela Saal
Marthastrasse 32
51069 Koeln - Germany
Mail-Adresse; 2009@lesbenfruehling.de


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Friday, May 29, 2009

Our Cologne organisation team is looking forward to ....

... welcoming you in large numbers.

  • Arrival
  • LFT Start => Details:

    17:00 - 20:00 Opening of cash desk, registration and
    organisation of accommodation wanted/offered

    17:00 - 18:00 Speed dating for younger Lesbians, Gila Rosenberg
    17:30 - 19:00 Assistant workshop, Cindy Dillmann
    18:00 - 19:00 Speed dating for older Lesbians, Mo Lilge

    18:00 - 20:00 Setting up booths and art exhibition

    20:00 Supporting programme
    Café Chaos open until 21:45

Supporting programme: Guided city tour as of 17:00

Guided city tour about the following topic: In the lady's club dancing the one-step ("Im Damenklub beim Schiebertanz")
Guided tour about Lesbian history through the historical centre of Cologne
Meeting point: Memorial stone for homosexual Nazi victims, below the Hohenzollern bridge (Hohenzollernbrücke), left (west) side of the Rhine
Subway/bus station: Dom/Hbf
Duration: 2 hours, fee: € 8.00

Supporting programme: LFT reading in the pub "Gezeiten" (starts at 20:00)

Meeting point: Gezeiten
Balthasarstraße 1, 50670 Köln, tel. 0221/4747703, www.gezeiten-koeln.de
Opening: 19:30, entry fee: € 5.00 (authors' remuneration and transportation expenses)
Authors: Anne Bax and Andrea Karimé

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Saturday, May 30, 2009

On Saturday, there will be great things to ...

... see, listen to, talk about, or read

  • Details:

    As of 07:00 Setup/preparations

    As of 08:00 Breakfast
    08:00 Opening of cash desk, registration and
    organisation of accommodation wanted/offered
    09:00 - 10:30 Opening plenum
    11:00 - 12:30 Workshops, panel discussion
    13:00 - 14:00 Vernissage
    13:45 Meeting point: Main entrance of faculty
    14:15 - 16:00 Demonstration
    17:00 - 18:30 Workshops
    18:30 Admission (evening programme)
    19:30 Start of evening programme

Supporting programme: Guided city tour as of 17:00

Guided city tour about the following topic: In the lady's club dancing the one-step ("Im Damenklub beim Schiebertanz")
Guided tour about Lesbian history through the historical centre of Cologne
Meeting point: Memorial stone for homosexual Nazi victims, below the Hohenzollern bridge (Hohenzollernbrücke), left (west) side of the Rhine
Subway/bus station: Dom/Hbf
Duration: 2 hours, fee: € 8.00

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Sunday, May 31, 2009 - Whit Sunday

On Sunday, all will go on .....

..... seeing, listening, talking, reading and more.
From noon on we expect all women to feel refreshed enough to not miss
our evening program after breakfast.

  • Details:

    As of 08:00 Breakfast
    09:30 - 18:00 Open stage
    09:30 - 11:00 Workshops
    11:30 - 13:00 Workshops, Sunday plenum
    14:30 - 16:00 Workshops
    16:30 - 18:00 Workshops
    18:30 Admission (evening programme)
    19:30 Start of evening programme

Guided city tour in German sign language at 14:00

Gabriele Meessen: "I'm offering guided city tours about the main tourist attractions
near the cathedral:
Town hall, Old Market (Alter Markt) and Martinsviertel, legend of Tünnes and Schäl etc.
The tour takes approximately 1.5 hours and is held in German sign language.
If more than 20 people would like to participate, I could offer two guided tours."
Interested women should send a mail to: barrierefrei.2009@lesbenfruehling.de
*Meeting point: Köln Tourismus, Kardinal-Höffner-Platz 1, opposite the cathedral

Supporting programme: Guided city tour starting at 14:00

Guided city tour about the following topic: Female members of medieval Christian communities and Cologne amazons ("Beginen und Bayenamazonen")
Female history in the most traditional of Cologne's quarters
Meeting point: Severinstorburg, Chlodwigplatz
Subway/bus station: Chlodwigplatz
Duration: 2 hours, fee: € 8.00

Supporting programme: Open stage 09:30-19:00

The stage is open to everyone (no casting or prior arrangements).
However, each performance is restricted to 7 minutes.

We are looking for promising young artists, professional street or cabaret artists and any talents who would like to give a good performance.


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Monday, June 01, 2009 - Whit Monday

On Monday, life's more serious aspects will take over.

Our p l e n u m is on the agenda.
Then we will all go home … exhausted, but mentally primed for the year ahead!

We will all meet again at the next LFT 2010 in Hamburg.

  • Detals:

    10:00 - 12:00 Closing plenum
    As of 13:00 supporting programme, tidying up, cleaning
    Taking down the booths

  • Home, sweet home

Supporting programme: Rhine cruise with information about female history at 13:00

Topic: Daughters of the Rhine, mermaids and child murderers
Rhine cruise with information about female history
Meeting point: below the Hohenzollern bridge (Hohenzollernbrücke), left (west) side of the Rhine, boat: Colonia 5
Subway/bus station: Dom/Hbf
Duration: approximately 2 hours, fee: € 15.00, incl. boat fare

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Is still in development.

As soon as this text is available in English, it will be displayed here.

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More good stuff

Is still in development.

As soon as this text is available in English, it will be displayed here.

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Finally, we would like to advertise the services of our sponsors and partners:
Women transport women.
More information is available at the following webpage:

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